Daniel Kölligan
List of John Benjamins publications for which Daniel Kölligan plays a role.
Chapter 10. The perfect in Classical Armenian Perfects in Indo-European Languages and Beyond, Crellin, Robert and Thomas Jügel (eds.), pp. 351–376 | Chapter
2020 The paper discusses the syntax and semantics of the perfect and pluperfect of Classical Armenian. While A is usually marked for genitive, S may be marked for nominative or genitive. The perfect of terminative unaccusative verbs (‘fall’, ‘come’) describes the state of the subject after the event… read more
Non-canonical subject marking: Genitive subjects in Classical Armenian The Diachronic Typology of Non-Canonical Subjects, Seržant, Ilja A. and Leonid Kulikov (eds.), pp. 73–90 | Article
2013 Classical Armenian shows genitive case-marking of the subject of transitive predicates based on the participle ending in -eal, while the subject of intransitive predicates has nominative case marking. In the passive construction, which uses the same participle, the subject is also marked as… read more