Huba Bartos
List of John Benjamins publications for which Huba Bartos plays a role.
Chapter 7. The V-copy construction in Mandarin: A case temporarily reopened Interfaces in Grammar, Hu, Jianhua and Haihua Pan (eds.), pp. 167–206 | Chapter
2019 The focus of this study is the so-called verb-copy construction(s) of Mandarin Chinese, where two (or even more) copies of the same verb surface in a single clause, without any semantic consequence of this multiplicity. This family of constructions has received various analyses in the generative… read more
Hungarian external causatives: Monoclausal but bi-eventive Approaches to Hungarian: Volume 12: Papers from the 2009 Debrecen Conference, Laczkó, Tibor and Catherine O. Ringen (eds.), pp. 1–38 | Article
2011 In two recent papers, Horváth & Siloni (H&S, 2010; to appear) argue for a lexical treatment of Hungarian external (-tAt) causatives, as well as against the viability of any non-lexical treatment in general. Here I take issue with them on their conclusion, as well as their argumentation, to show… read more
Verbal complexes and morphosyntactic merger Verb Clusters: A study of Hungarian, German and Dutch, Kiss, Katalin É. and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), pp. 395–415 | Article
2004 Object Agreement in Hungarian: A case for Minimalism The Minimalist Parameter: Selected papers from the Open Linguistics Forum, Ottawa, 21–23 March 1997, Alexandrova, Galina M. and Olga Arnaudova (eds.), pp. 311–324 | Article