This paper offers a review of a current understanding of the content and the form of linguistic roots. It first updates and buttresses the case against semantic content of uncategorised roots and for Late Insertion of roots; then it investigates how native speakers identify roots. More… read more
The necessity for roots to be categorized in syntax is recast as an interface condition, resulting from the SEM-deficient character of free acategorial roots. The question of how much descriptive content roots (may) bear is linked to the idiomatic, non-compositional interpretation of the First… read more
This paper explores pronominal clitic placement in a mixed clitic placement variety, Cypriot Greek, and the restrictions on it in the presence of the dialectal element -nde. -Nde appears as a verb suffix, but imposes syntactic and morphological restrictions in the clause. We argue that -nde is a… read more
This contribution examines diachronic change in the Greek nominal phrase.It proposes an analysis to capture the diachronic stability of certain syntacticstructures in the nominal domain, suggesting that points of stability reflectmacroparametric rather than microparametric choices, which are… read more