John W. Du Bois

List of John Benjamins publications for which John W. Du Bois plays a role.



Preferred Argument Structure: Grammar as architecture for function

Edited by John W. Du Bois, Lorraine E. Kumpf and William J. Ashby

[Studies in Discourse and Grammar, 14] 2003. ix, 458 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Syntax
Ariel, Mira, Elitzur Dattner, John W. Du Bois and Tal Linzen 2015 Pronominal datives: The royal road to argument statusStudies in Language 39:2, pp. 257–321 | Article
Based on a large corpus of dative constructions in Hebrew, we propose that dative-marked pronominals manifest a facilitated path from adjunct to argument. Since datives tend to be pronominal, adding them onto existing argument structures avoids a clash with the Preferred Argument Structure (PAS)… read more
Du Bois, John W. 2007 The stance triangleStancetaking in Discourse: Subjectivity, evaluation, interaction, Englebretson, Robert (ed.), pp. 139–182 | Article
Du Bois, John W. 2003 Argument structure: Grammar in usePreferred Argument Structure: Grammar as architecture for function, Du Bois, John W., Lorraine E. Kumpf and William J. Ashby (eds.), pp. 11–60 | Article
Du Bois, John W., Lorraine E. Kumpf and William J. Ashby 2003 IntroductionPreferred Argument Structure: Grammar as architecture for function, Du Bois, John W., Lorraine E. Kumpf and William J. Ashby (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Du Bois, John W. 1991 Transcription design principles for spoken discourse researchPragmatics 1:1, pp. 71–106 | Article
Du Bois, John W. 1987 Meaning without intention: Lessons from divinationIPrA Papers in Pragmatics 1:2, pp. 80–122 | Article