René Appel
List of John Benjamins publications for which René Appel plays a role.
De Woordenschat Van Allochtone Tweede-Taalverwervers; Werk in Uitvoering Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 61, pp. 9–19 | Article
1999 The general introduction of this article deals with the quantitative and qualitative differen-ces between the vocabularies of first and second language learners. Quantitative differen-ces concern the number of words 'known' and qualitative differences have to do with the level' of word knowledge,… read more
Straattaal: De mengtaal van jongeren in Amsterdam Thema's en trends in de sociolinguïstiek 3, pp. 39–55 | Article
1999 'Street language' is a kind of register, spoken by young people in Amsterdam and probably also by young people in other multi-ethnic, multilingual cities in the Netherlands. This paper reports on an explorative study of this relatively recently developed register. Street language seems to be… read more
Linguistic Minority Children's Knowledge of multiple Word Meanings; Polysemy and the Testing of lexical Skills ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 119/120, pp. 79–89 | Article
1998 It is often observed that minority children's lexical proficiency in the majority language lags behind that of majority children. This observations is substantiated by scores on vocabulary tests. However, in these (traditional) tests words are generally treated as having one meaning, while most… read more
6. Decolonization, language planning and education Pidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 65–74 | Chapter
Het Tweetalige Lexicon: Woordassociaties Van Turkse Kinderen in het Turks en het Nederlands Taalverwerving in onderzoek, pp. 131–142 | Article
1988 The present paper reports on a study of the continued word associa-tions to eight stimulus words in Dutch and Turkish by Turkish migrant children living in the Netherlands. For three out of the eight stimulus words the meanings in the two languages were not complete-ly overlapping. Two written… read more
Sociaal-Psychologiscre Taalstudies Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 29, pp. 123–125 | Article
1987 Tweetalig Onderwijs In Friesland: Een Bijdrage Tot Het Behoud Van Het Fries? Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 26, pp. 39–50 | Article
1986 In general the use of minority language in schools is supposed to contribute to the maintenance of that language. The present study investigates whether this assumption is true for bilingual education in Friesland (i.e. the use of both Frisian and Dutch as media of instruction and communication).… read more
Mustafa op de Mavo: Een Exploratief Onderzoek Naar Nederlandse Taalvaardigheid van Anderstalige Leerlingen in het Voortgezet Onderwijs Nederlands als tweede taal, pp. 65–72 | Article
1985 In this article the results of an explorative study of the Dutch language proficiency of advanced second-language learners are presented. The proficiency in Dutch of a group of 17 students from non-indigeneous linguistic minority groups was compared with the Dutch proficiency of 17 native age-mates. read more
Taalonderwijs Aan Buitenlandse Kinderen op de Kleuterschool; (Een Stukje) Praktijk en Theorie. Taalonderwijs aan migranten: Handelingen van de anéla - studiedag op 19 maart 1977 te Wageningen, pp. 36–43 | Article
1977 This article discusses some ideas regarding the second-language education at the kindergarten for migrant workers children. The ideas are based on opinions about the nature of the second-language-learning process and on the results of a small experiment on the usage of Dutch by foreign children. It… read more