This paper investigates European Portuguese-speaking advanced learners of Spanish and assesses their knowledge of (un)interpretable features that have been argued to constrain the possibility of direct object drop in Spanish, discussing the predictions of two different hypotheses — the… read more
This study investigates the use of null objects in adult L1 German-L2 Spanish speakers. Spanish null objects are licensed under two conditions: (i) semantically, null objects must be [-definite, -specific] (Franco, 1993; Sánchez, 2004), and (ii) syntactically, null objects cannot be generated… read more
This paper investigates German speakers of L2 Spanish and assesses their knowledge of (un)interpretable features linked to object drop in Spanish. Object drop involves an interpretable feature (i.e. definiteness) and uninterpretable features abiding by syntactic constraints leading to subjacency… read more
This paper studies structural convergence between two Romance languages that are in close contact. More specifically, it analyzes the differences in clitic realization and object omission in Spanish and Catalan. While in Spanish it is possible to omit phrases corresponding to direct objects… read more
This paper reports the developmental stages of the acquisition of estar in stage-level predicate constructions in the L2 Spanish grammar of native speakers of French and Portuguese. Copular verbs exist in the L1s of both learner groups; however, only in Portuguese is there an aspectual contrast,… read more
We present results from a production study of forty-five bilingual Catalan-Spanish speakers (26 women and 19 men, aged 16 to 65 years old), to determine whether there is transfer or convergence between the two languages in a bilingual setting. The participants are residents of the capital and… read more
Several hypotheses about aspect in Spanish SLA focus on postulating patterns a learner will go through. TheLexical Aspect Hypothesis(Andersen, 1986,1991) and theDefault Past Tense Hypothesis(Salaberry, 1999) are two examples discussed in recent studies (see e.g.Comajoan, 2013). This chapter shows… read more
This paper sets forth a theoretical framework in relation to metarepresentation and evidentiality in Spanish, supported by an empirical analysis of tense/mood contrast expressions. More specifically, we describe how metarepresentational and evidential content are expressed and interpreted in… read more
In this paper, we present the results of one written task testing the interpretation of mood choice in if-conditional constructions in L2 Spanish: a linguistic task of conditional utterances containing both regular and irregular indicative and subjunctive forms was completed by 48 L1 French and 40… read more
The present paper investigates the grammar systems of Chinese learners of Spanish as a second language with the aim of contributing to current debates within contemporary generative second language (L2) acquisition theory: the extent to which adult learners are (un)able to acquire new functional… read more
In this paper we examine the acquisition of interpretable features in English L2 learners of Spanish by investigating the personal preposition a in Spanish. The presence of a in direct object NPs relates to the animacy/specificity of the NP, the animacy/agentivity of the subject and the semantics… read more
This paper investigates the linguistic performance of a group of English-Spanish bilingual children (N = 44, age range: 10–14) with different degrees of language dominance in their use of the Spanish preposition ‘a’ using a completion task which measures the different conditions that relate to the… read more
En este trabajo, investigamos los objetos directos nulos (argumentos y pronombres clíticos) en hablantes bilingües y monolingües en la frontera domínico-haitiana, mediante factores funcionales de la marcación diferencial de objetos (persona gramatical, ±animado, ±definido, ±específico). Las… read more
Although the two copular verbs,serandestar‘to be’, have been the subject of extensive debate in theoretical linguistics (Fernández Leborans 1999), less in known about how the use of these two verbs varies from one Spanish-speaking region to another. The sociolinguistic research conducted to date… read more
This study examines the acquisition of copula choice, more particularly the contrast between ser and estar ('to be') in Spanish by native speakers of Portuguese. Our research differs from previous work because the first language of the participants included also contains a copula contrast. Our… read more
Recent second language (L2) acquisition research has proposed that purely syntactic features are easier to acquire and less vulnerable than ones involving the interfaces (Sorace, 2004; Serratrice et al. 2004). The present paper addresses this issue by investigating the acquisition of the Spanish… read more
Recent proposals argue that interface areas such as syntax/semantics and syntax/pragmatics are particularly difficult for adult learners, in comparison to purely syntactic phenomena (Sorace 2003, 2004). In contrast, other research shows that L2 learners are able to acquire target representations… read more
Although ser and estar have been studied extensively (Luján 1981; Clements 1988; Leonetti 1994; Fernández Leborans 1999; Geeslin 2005), less is known about how the use of these copulas varies from one Spanish-speaking region to another. To date, sociolinguistic research has been conducted on… read more