Medha Tare
List of John Benjamins publications for which Medha Tare plays a role.
“We call it as puppy”: Pragmatic factors in bilingual language choice Language in Interaction: Studies in honor of Eve V. Clark, Arnon, Inbal, Marisa Casillas, Chigusa Kurumada and Bruno Estigarribia (eds.), pp. 191–206 | Article
2014 In this chapter we examine a pragmatic task that bilingual speakers face every day: determining which language to use in which conversational context (also known as “pragmatic differentiation”). We propose that pragmatic differentiation is a gradually emerging skill that requires multiple skills,… read more
Aptitude-treatment interaction studies in second language acquisition: Findings and methodology Sensitive periods, language aptitude, and ultimate L2 attainment, Granena, Gisela and Mike Long (eds.), pp. 273–292 | Article
2013 Research in second language acquisition has long posited that learners’ individual differences affect ultimate attainment. This chapter reviews studies that examine how learners with differing cognitive aptitudes respond to instructional treatments. Most of these studies showed significant… read more