Tom Van Hout

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tom Van Hout plays a role.


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Bibliography of Pragmatics Online

Edited by Frank Brisard, Michael Meeuwis and Jef Verschueren

[Online Resources Collection, BoP] 2003. Over 50.000 records
Subjects Bibliographies in linguistics | Electronic/Multimedia Products | Pragmatics
Luining, Michiel and Tom Van Hout 2024 Subverting EU legal concepts: How Hungary enacts illiberalism in constitutional discourseNarrative Boundaries: Constitutional struggles in an age of polarization, Cordero, Rodrigo and Raimundo Frei (eds.), pp. 747–769 | Article
This paper analyzes how Hungarian constitutional court rulings subvert EU legal discourse. Drawing on legal studies and discourse studies, we examine how the Fidesz-KDNP regime leverages the Hungarian Constitutional Court to curtail the rights of asylum seekers and migrants within an evolving EU… read more
Van Praet, Ellen, Bram Vertommen, Tom Van Hout and Astrid Vandendaele 2014 Chapter 5. In foreign news we trust: Balance and accuracy in newspaper coverage of BelgiumTrust and Discourse: Organizational perspectives, Pelsmaekers, Katja, Geert Jacobs and Craig Rollo (eds.), pp. 95–112 | Article
Jacobs, Geert and Tom Van Hout 2009 Towards a process view of preformulation in press releasesDiscourse, of Course: An overview of research in discourse studies, Renkema, Jan (ed.), pp. 239–251 | Article
Jacobs, Geert, Henk Pander Maat and Tom Van Hout 2008 The discourse of news managementThe discourse of news management, Jacobs, Geert and Henk Pander Maat (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Van Hout, Tom and Geert Jacobs 2008 News production theory and practice: Fieldwork notes on power, interaction and agencyThe discourse of news management, Jacobs, Geert and Henk Pander Maat (eds.), pp. 59–85 | Article
This paper considers notions of agency, interaction and power in business news journalism. In the first part, we present a bird’s eye view of news access theory as it is reflected in selected sociological and anthropological literature on the ethnography of news production. Next, we show how these… read more