Guillaume Desagulier

List of John Benjamins publications for which Guillaume Desagulier plays a role.

Morin, Cameron, Guillaume Desagulier and Jack Grieve 2020 Dialect syntax in Construction Grammar: Theoretical benefits of a constructionist approach to double modals in EnglishThe Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research, Colleman, Timothy, Frank Brisard, Astrid De Wit, Renata Enghels, Nikos Koutsoukos, Tanja Mortelmans and María Sol Sansiñena (eds.), pp. 248–258 | Article
This squib focuses on two main issues. Firstly, it examines the ways in which constructionist approaches to language can bring about an improved theoretical understanding of Double Modals (DMs) in dialects of English. DMs have proved to be a long-lasting, notorious puzzle in formal linguistics,… read more
Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Guillaume Desagulier, Serge Fleury and Frédéric Isel 2019 Chapter 17. The distribution of prosodic features in the Rhapsodie corpus: From general observations to discourse characterizationRhapsodie: A prosodic and syntactic treebank for spoken French, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Sylvain Kahane and Paola Pietrandrea (eds.), pp. 315–338 | Chapter
This chapter analyzes the interface between prosodic features and situational variables in the Rhapsodie treebank. First, we provide general quantitative information. Second, we present a preliminary set of statistical analyses performed on six specific prosodic variables, that provides two types… read more
Desagulier, Guillaume 2014 Visualizing distances in a set of near-synonyms: Rather, quite, fairly, and prettyCorpus Methods for Semantics: Quantitative studies in polysemy and synonymy, Glynn, Dylan and Justyna A. Robinson (eds.), pp. 145–178 | Article
I aim to uncover revealing aspects of the conceptual structure of four English moderators (rather, quite, fairly, and pretty) and shed new light on previous studies on degree modifiers. I develop an original methodology for handling and visualizing measures of significant attraction between lexical… read more
Desagulier, Guillaume 2012 “C’est de la bombe!”: Qualitative count-to-mass conversion in French copular subject-predicate constructionsConstructions in French, Bouveret, Myriam and Dominique Legallois (eds.), pp. 201–232 | Article
In this paper, I propose a Construction Grammar approach to the count/mass distinction in French. Rather than confine my analysis to NPs, I examine the effects of mass conversion in the broader context of two partially-filled idiomatic constructions: the CCDN construction (ça c’est de la voiture!… read more
In this paper, grammatical blending is presented as an alternative to the conventional, linear overlap models of grammaticalization when it comes to conceptualizing complex cases of overlaps. The choice of the ‘emerging modal’ want to/wanna as a case study is motivated precisely by its… read more