Maggie Tallerman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maggie Tallerman plays a role.

Tallerman, Maggie 2010 Holophrastic protolanguage: Planning, processing, storage, and retrievalThe Emergence of Protolanguage: Holophrasis vs compositionality, Arbib, Michael A. and Derek Bickerton (eds.), pp. 83–97 | Article
This paper challenges recent assumptions that holophrastic utterances could be planned, processed, stored and retrieved from storage, focussing on three specific issues: (i) Problems in conceptual planning of multi-proposition utterances of the type proposed by Arbib (2005), Mithen (2005); (ii) The… read more
Tallerman, Maggie 2008 Holophrastic protolanguage: Planning, processing, storage, and retrievalHolophrasis vs Compositionality in the Emergence of Protolanguage, Arbib, Michael A. and Derek Bickerton (eds.), pp. 84–99 | Article
This paper challenges recent assumptions that holophrastic utterances could be planned, processed, stored and retrieved from storage, focussing on three specific issues: (i) Problems in conceptual planning of multi-proposition utterances of the type proposed by Arbib (2005), Mithen (2005); (ii)… read more
Tallerman, Maggie 2000 Review of Newmeyer (1998): Language form and language functionStudies in Language 24:2, pp. 423–439 | Review article
Tallerman, Maggie 1999 Welsh Soft Mutation and Marked Word OrderFunctionalism and Formalism in Linguistics: Volume II: Case studies, Darnell, Michael, Edith A. Moravcsik, Michael Noonan, Frederick J. Newmeyer and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 277–294 | Article
Tallerman, Maggie 1991 The directionality of the Head subcategorizational in WelshStudies in Brythonic Word Order, Fife, James and Erich Poppe (eds.), pp. 311–328 | Article