Rob Schoonen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rob Schoonen plays a role.


Schoonen, Rob 2022 Chapter 4. L2 writing: Theory and researchUnderstanding L2 Proficiency: Theoretical and meta-analytic investigations, Jeon, Eun Hee and Yo In'nami (eds.), pp. 87–107 | Chapter
This chapter aims to identify sources of individual differences in writing proficiency, and ways to measure these differences. The construct of writing proficiency is delineated and embedded in cognitive approaches to writing research. It is considered to be a multi-faceted construct, which… read more
The present study examined whether ten motivations to read expository texts moderated the effects of cognitive skills on eighth graders’ expository text comprehension, while accounting for the main effects of cognitive skills. Furthermore, it was examined whether the effect of motivational… read more
Jong, Nivja de, Margarita P. Steinel, Arjen F. Florijn, Rob Schoonen and Jan H. Hulstijn 2012 The effect of task complexity on functional adequacy, fluency and lexical diversity in speaking performances of native and non-native speakersDimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA, Housen, Alex, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder (eds.), pp. 121–142 | Article
This study investigated how task complexity affected native and non-native speakers’ speaking performance in terms of a measure of communicative success (functional adequacy), three types of fluency (breakdown fluency, speed fluency, and repair fluency), and lexical diversity. Participants (208… read more
In this study the breadth and depth of lexical knowledge in bilingual Turkish students in the Netherlands is compared to this knowledge in monolingual peers in Turkey. The Dutch students also performed a Dutch test on deep lexical knowledge, i.e. the Word Association Task (WAT). The results show… read more
In the assessment of writing ability it is difficult and costly to rate the students' texts reliably. Using more structured writing tasks and rating procedures could help avoiding some of the assessment problems. However, structured tasks and rating procedures threaten the validity of the writing… read more
The assessment of writing ability is problematic, insofar as it concerns reliable, valid and practical measurement. In this article the possibilities of reducing error in both the writer's production and the judge's scoring are discussed. Special attention is paid to the reduction of the writing… read more