Hagen Lehmann

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hagen Lehmann plays a role.


Gaze in Human-Robot Communication

Edited by Frank Broz, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu and Yukiko Nakano

[Benjamins Current Topics, 81] 2015. xv, 162 pp.
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Communication Studies | Interaction Studies

Gaze in human-robot communication

Guest-edited by Frank Broz, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu and Yukiko Nakano

Special issue of Interaction Studies 14:3 (2013) xv, 179 pp.
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language | Interaction Studies
Wood, Luke Jai, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Austen Rainer, Ben Robins, Hagen Lehmann and Dag Sverre Syrdal 2020 Robot-Mediated Interviews: A field trial with a potential real-world userInteraction Studies 21:2, pp. 243–267 | Article
In recent years the possibility of using humanoid robots to perform interviews with children has been explored in a number of studies. This paper details a study in which a potential real-world user trialled a Robot-Mediated Interviewing system with children to establish if this approach could… read more
Wood, Luke Jai, Hagen Lehmann, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Ben Robins, Austen Rainer and Dag Sverre Syrdal 2016 Robot-Mediated interviews with Children: What do potential users think?Interaction Studies 17:3, pp. 438–460 | Article
To date research investigating the potential of Robot-Mediated Interviews (RMI) has focused on establishing how children respond to robots in an interview scenario. In order to test if an RMI approach would work in a real world setting, it is important to establish what the experts (e.g.… read more
Broz, Frank, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu and Yukiko Nakano 2015 IntroductionGaze in Human-Robot Communication, Broz, Frank, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu and Yukiko Nakano (eds.), pp. vii–xvi | Article
Lehmann, Hagen, Iolanda Iacono, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Patrizia Marti and Ben Robins 2014 Robot companions for children with down syndrome: A case studyInteraction Studies 15:1, pp. 99–112 | Article
We describe an exploratory case study about the applicability of different robotic platforms in an educational context with a child with Down syndrome. The robotic platforms tested are the humanoid robot KASPAR and the mobile robotic platform IROMEC. During the study we observed the effects KASPAR… read more
Broz, Frank, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu and Yukiko Nakano 2013 Introduction to the Special Issue on Gaze in Human-Robot CommunicationGaze in human-robot communication, Broz, Frank, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu and Yukiko Nakano (eds.), pp. vii–xv | Article
Batoni, I., R. Henning, Hagen Lehmann, B. Schirmer and Magdalena Zoeppritz 1975 Liana: Ein Deutschsprachiges Frage-Antwort-SystemITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 30, pp. 1–24 | Article
LIANA is a question answering system in PL/1. The program takes German natural language input and, by morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis, creates a representation of the text, which is stored and can be accessed for retrieval purposes. All individuals (objects) mentioned in the… read more