Ann Senghas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ann Senghas plays a role.


Ergin, Rabia, Ann Senghas, Ray Jackendoff and Lila Gleitman 2020 Structural cues for symmetry, asymmetry, and non-symmetry in Central Taurus Sign LanguageSpecial Issue in Memory of Irit Meir, Lillo-Martin, Diane, Wendy Sandler, Marie Coppola and Rose Stamp (eds.), pp. 171–207 | Article
We investigate how predicates expressing symmetry, asymmetry and non-symmetry are encoded in a newly emerging sign language, Central Taurus Sign Language (CTSL). We find that predicates involving symmetry (i.e., reciprocal and symmetrical actions) differ from those involving asymmetry (i.e.,… read more
Pyers, Jennie and Ann Senghas 2020 Lexical iconicity is differentially favored under transmission in a new sign language: The effect of type of iconicitySpecial Issue in Memory of Irit Meir, Lillo-Martin, Diane, Wendy Sandler, Marie Coppola and Rose Stamp (eds.), pp. 73–95 | Article
Observations that iconicity diminishes over time in sign languages (Frishberg 1975) pose a puzzle: Why should something so evidently useful and functional decrease? Using an archival dataset of signs elicited over 15 years from 4 first-cohort and 4 third-cohort signers of an emerging sign… read more
Senghas, Ann 2001 Spatial and temporal coding of Nicaraguan Sign Language in MediaTagger: Documenting three dimensions with a two-dimensional toolSign Transcription and Database Storage of Sign Information, Bergman, Brita, Penny Boyes Braem, Thomas Hanke and Elena Antinoro Pizzuto (eds.), pp. 229–240 | Article
We recently began using the new multimedia tool MediaTagger to transcribe and code Nicaraguan Sign Language. Previously, this work had been conducted using glosses and coding spreadsheets that referred to analog video timecode. MediaTagger offers many advantages over analog videotape and glossing:… read more