Michael J. Spivey

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael J. Spivey plays a role.


Methods in Cognitive Linguistics

Edited by Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Irene Mittelberg, Seana Coulson and Michael J. Spivey

[Human Cognitive Processing, 18] 2007. xxviii, 452 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Spivey, Michael J. 2022 Language happensDynamism in Metaphor and Beyond, Colston, Herbert L., Teenie Matlock and Gerard J. Steen (eds.), pp. 341–356 | Chapter
This chapter provides a brief tour through the history of psycholinguistics with a running thread that follows the work of Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. and an evolution toward more ecologically valid approaches and interactive embodied perspectives on how language works. Rather than treating language… read more
Dale, Rick and Michael J. Spivey 2018 Chapter 4. Weaving oneself into others: Coordination in conversational systemsEye-tracking in Interaction: Studies on the role of eye gaze in dialogue, Brône, Geert and Bert Oben (eds.), pp. 67–90 | Chapter
We review a range of findings that show how eye movements (and other body movements) exhibit correlated behavior across two or more people during natural interactions. We then synthesize these different results into a more general account of how people’s cognitive, sensory and motor systems… read more
Spivey, Michael J. and Stephanie Huette 2016 Towards a situated view of languageVisually Situated Language Comprehension, Knoeferle, Pia, Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck and Matthew W. Crocker (eds.), pp. 1–30 | Article
By examining a brief history of psycholinguistics and its various approaches to research on sentence processing, we point to a general convergence toward evidence that multiple different linguistic constraints interact in real-time to allow for successful comprehension of a sentence.  While some… read more
Huette, Stephanie and Michael J. Spivey 2012 Fuzzy consciousnessBeing in Time: Dynamical models of phenomenal experience, Edelman, Shimon, Tomer Fekete and Neta Zach (eds.), pp. 149–164 | Article
This chapter explores the consequences of treating consciousness as a fuzzy dynamical system. A fuzzy dynamical system is one in which labeled concepts and percepts are altered as a function of context and conditions, and these changes occur continuously in time. We offer speculations on the… read more
Anderson, Sarah E., Thomas A. Farmer, Michael Goldstein, Jennifer Schwade and Michael J. Spivey 2011 Individual differences in measures of linguistic experience account for variability in the sentence processing skill of five-year-oldsExperience, Variation and Generalization: Learning a first language, Arnon, Inbal and Eve V. Clark (eds.), pp. 203–222 | Article
The mechanisms underlying developmental transitions in sentence processing are not well understood. Eyetracking research demonstrates that five-year-olds do not use visual scene cues to constrain their interpretation of sentences as adults do (e.g. Snedeker & Trueswell 2004). This research also… read more
Richardson, Daniel C., Rick Dale and Michael J. Spivey 2007 Eye movements in language and cognition: A brief introductionMethods in Cognitive Linguistics, Gonzalez-Marquez, Monica, Irene Mittelberg, Seana Coulson and Michael J. Spivey (eds.), pp. 323–344 | Article
Spivey, Michael J. 2007 Redesigning our theories of human information processing Discourse, Cognition and Communication, Sanders, Ted J.M. and Leo Lentz (eds.), pp. 261–265 | Miscellaneous
Spivey, Michael J., Stanka A. Fitneva, Whitney Tabor and Sameer Ajmani 2002 The time course of information integration in sentence processingThe Lexical Basis of Sentence Processing: Formal, computational and experimental issues, Merlo, Paola and Suzanne Stevenson (eds.), pp. 207–232 | Article