Wilbert Spooren

List of John Benjamins publications for which Wilbert Spooren plays a role.

Book series


ISSN 1388-8951 | E-ISSN 1569-9722

Identifying information and tenor in texts

Edited by Luuk Lagerwerf, Wilbert Spooren and Liesbeth Degand

Special issue of Information Design Journal 13:1 (2005) 96 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Communication Studies

Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics: Second revised edition

Edited by René Dirven † and Marjolijn H. Verspoor

[Cognitive Linguistics in Practice, 1] 2004. xii, 277 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language

Text Representation: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects

Edited by Ted J.M. Sanders, Joost Schilperoord and Wilbert Spooren

[Human Cognitive Processing, 8] 2001. viii, 363 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Pragmatics

Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics

René Dirven † and Marjolijn H. Verspoor

[Cognitive Linguistics in Practice, 1 (1999)] 1999. xiv, 300 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language
Studies in several languages find that causal connectives differ from one another in their prototypical meaning and use, which provides insight into language users’ cognitive categorization of causal relations in discourse. Subjectivity plays a vital role in this process. Using an integrated… read more
Hustinx, Lettica and Wilbert Spooren 2019 Chapter 6. Determinants of abstractness and concreteness and their persuasive effectsPerspectives on Abstract Concepts: Cognition, language and communication, Bolognesi, Marianna and Gerard J. Steen (eds.), pp. 121–144 | Chapter
The writing guideline to avoid abstractness and to use concrete language instead has a long and well-deserved reputation. Nevertheless, it is not clear what constitutes concrete language. In this chapter we report two studies. The first investigates the determinants of concreteness and abstractness… read more
Spooren, Wilbert 2018 Chapter 1. IntroductionVisual Metaphor: Structure and process, Steen, Gerard J. (ed.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
Lamers, Monique and Wilbert Spooren 2012 Tracking referents in discourseDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 1:1, pp. 59–79 | Article
This reading study registered eye movements to investigate the influence of different discourse constructional factors on anaphor resolution in written discourse. More specifically, the study focused on the influence of the possible interplay of proximity between a possible referent and the… read more
Sanders, Ted J.M. and Wilbert Spooren 2009 The cognition of discourse coherenceDiscourse, of Course: An overview of research in discourse studies, Renkema, Jan (ed.), pp. 197–212 | Article
Lagerwerf, Luuk, Wilbert Spooren and Liesbeth Degand 2005 Identifying information and tenor in texts: IntroductionIdentifying information and tenor in texts, Lagerwerf, Luuk, Wilbert Spooren and Liesbeth Degand (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Article
Spooren, Wilbert 2003 The acquisition of reading skillsDocument Design 4:1, pp. 96–98 | Miscellaneous
Spooren, Wilbert 2003 Review of Schiffrin, Tannen & Hamilton (2001): Document Design 4:2, pp. 189–193 | Review
Spooren, Wilbert 2003 Cause and effect in reading documents: Reserach watchDocument Design 4:2, pp. 182–184 | Miscellaneous
Fortunately, communication is not fully explicit. When people talk and write, they leave things unsaid. Writers assume, and rightly so, that their audience is intelligent enough to infer the intended meaning ‘between the lines’. If I am sitting in a train compartment, smoking a cigarette, and the… read more
Spooren, Wilbert 2002 Communication and argumentationDocument Design 3:3, pp. 271–273 | Miscellaneous
Spooren, Wilbert 2002 Uncertainty in communication via text and conversationDocument Design 3:2, pp. 174–177 | Miscellaneous
Sanders, Ted J.M. and Wilbert Spooren 2001 Text representation as an interface between language and its usersText Representation: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects, Sanders, Ted J.M., Joost Schilperoord and Wilbert Spooren (eds.), pp. 1 ff. | Article
Renkema, Jan, Hans Hoeken and Wilbert Spooren 1999 Editorial: New Horizons in document designDocument Design 1:1, pp. 1–6 | Miscellaneous
Sanders, Ted J.M. and Wilbert Spooren 1999 Communicative Intentions and Coherence RelationsCoherence in Spoken and Written Discourse: How to create it and how to describe it, Bublitz, Wolfram, Uta Lenk and Eija Ventola (eds.), pp. 235 ff. | Article
Spooren, Wilbert 1999 Theoretical and applied communication studiesDocument Design 1:2, pp. 145–148 | Miscellaneous
Spooren, Wilbert 1999 Paradigms for discourse psychologyDocument Design 1:1, pp. 63–66 | Miscellaneous
Spooren, Wilbert 1999 Communication designDocument Design 1:3, pp. 221–224 | Miscellaneous
Sanders, José and Wilbert Spooren 1997 Perspective, Subjectivity, and Modality from a Cognitive Linguistic Point of ViewDiscourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics, Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda R. Waugh (eds.), pp. 85 ff. | Article