Ann Corsellis

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ann Corsellis plays a role.

Corsellis, Ann, Jan Cambridge, Nicky Glegg and Sarah Robson 2007 Establishment, maintenance and development of a national registerThe Critical Link 4: Professionalisation of interpreting in the community, Wadensjö, Cecilia, Birgitta Englund Dimitrova and Anna-Lena Nilsson (eds.), pp. 139–150 | Article
Once public service interpreters (PSIs) are trained and assessed, they need a practical professional focus. A national register has obvious advantages for setting professional standards, making accredited PSI skills more easily accessible and making available the widest possible range of language… read more
Hertog, Erik, Ann Corsellis, Kirsten Wolch Rasmussen and Yolanda Vanden Bosch 2007 From Aequitas to Aequalitas: Establishing standards in legal interpreting and translation in the European UnionThe Critical Link 4: Professionalisation of interpreting in the community, Wadensjö, Cecilia, Birgitta Englund Dimitrova and Anna-Lena Nilsson (eds.), pp. 151–165 | Article
The two European Union Grotius projects described below have contributed to establishing standards and international equivalencies in legal interpreting and translation, more specifically regarding selection and training, codes of ethics and conduct and interdisciplinary working arrangements with… read more
Corsellis, Ann, Erik Hertog, Bodil Martinsen, Edda Ostarhild-Jones and Yolanda Vanden Bosch 2003 European Equivalencies in Legal Interpreting and TranslationThe Critical Link 3: Interpreters in the Community, Brunette, Louise, Georges L. Bastin, Isabelle Hemlin and Heather Clarke (eds.), pp. 293–305 | Article
Corsellis, Ann 2000 Turning good Intentions into good Practice. Enabling the Public Services to Fulfil their ResponsibilitiesThe Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the Community, Roberts, Roda P., Silvana E. Carr, Diana Abraham and Aideen Dufour (eds.), pp. 89 ff. | Article