Kathleen L. Doty
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kathleen L. Doty plays a role.
Chapter 1. Pleading for life: Narrative patterns within legal petitions (Salem, 1692) Legal Pragmatics, Kurzon, Dennis and Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (eds.), pp. 21–40 | Chapter
2018 While the past decade has seen much scholarship on the legal language of the Salem witchcraft trials in 1692, few studies have been completed on the narrative features of petitions. This study focuses not solely on the formulaic or structural aspects of petitions but introduces and explores… read more
(Un)Becoming conduct: Cotton Mather's Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion and the Salem witchcraft crisis Instructional Writing in English: Studies in honour of Risto Hiltunen, Peikola, Matti, Janne Skaffari and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.), pp. 141–160 | Article
2009 Telling tales: The role of scribes in constructing the discourse of the Salem witchcraft trials Journal of Historical Pragmatics 8:1, pp. 25–41 | Article
2007 This study examines the practices of scribes who recorded the examinations of those accused of witchcraft in Salem in 1692. The data consists of 68 records of examinations held between March and October 1692 and in January 1693. Each record is coded for two features: use of contextual commentary… read more
“I will tell, I will tell”: Confessional patterns in the Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692 Journal of Historical Pragmatics 3:2, pp. 299–335 | Article
2002 This study focuses on the records of confessions by individuals accused of witchcraft in Salem in 1692, both those presented in direct discourse and in reported discourse. We analyze the material from two viewpoints: the pragmatic features of the discourse and narrative structure and function. The… read more