Norbert Corver

List of John Benjamins publications for which Norbert Corver plays a role.


The Copy Theory of Movement

Edited by Norbert Corver and Jairo Nunes

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 107] 2007. vi, 388 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Broekhuis, Hans and Norbert Corver 2017 Chapter 18. The expressive en maar-constructionCrossroads Semantics: Computation, experiment and grammar, Reckman, Hilke, Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng, Maarten Hijzelendoorn and Rint Sybesma (eds.), pp. 305–325 | Chapter
Abstract This article discusses constructions of the type En maar zeuren! ‘You keep on nagging’, which express a negative attitude of the speaker towards the proposition expressed by the construction. We will argue that en ‘and’ should be seen as a regular conjunction conjoining a… read more
Corver, Norbert 2014 Floating around in the Dutch nominal domainLinguistics in the Netherlands 2014, Auer, Anita and Björn Köhnlein (eds.), pp. 26–38 | Article
In this article I investigate the internal syntax of Dutch nominal expressions like twee slangen van elk twee meter (two snakes of each two meter). The preposition van separates the quantifier elk from the expression twee slangen to which it is connected interpretatively. From a purely… read more
This paper presents a micro-comparative perspective on the Dutch wat voor ’n N-construction (meaning: “what kind of N”). Besides a description of the various formal manifestations of this nominal construction as found intra-dialectally and cross-dialectally, an analysis is given of the dimensions… read more
Corver, Norbert 2010 Dressed numerals and the structure of Universal Numeric QuantifiersStructure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 91–100 | Article
Corver, Norbert and Huib Kranendonk 2008 Collective numeral constructions in Dutch: Remarkable plurals, regular syntax and silent nounsLinguistic Variation Yearbook 2008, van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen (ed.), pp. 233–268 | Article
In this paper, we discuss some collective numeral constructions from Dutch, which display a remarkable plural morpheme -en: wij vieren “the four of us”, met ons vieren “with four” and met z’n vieren “with four”. We argue that these at first sight idiosyncratic constructs are formed in syntax by… read more
Corver, Norbert 2007 Dutch ‘Proper name + -s’: A hidden possessiveLinguistics in the Netherlands 2007, Los, Bettelou and Marjo van Koppen (eds.), pp. 74–85 | Article
Corver, Norbert 2007 Dutch 's-prolepsis as a copying phenomenonThe Copy Theory of Movement, Corver, Norbert and Jairo Nunes (eds.), pp. 175–216 | Chapter
This chapter investigates Dutch expressions involving two instances of the bound morpheme –s, which is traditionally analyzed as a genitival case suffix, as in bloot-shoofds (lit.: bare-s-head-s; ‘bare headed; with the head bare’) or 's Zondags (lit.: -s Sunday-s; ‘on Sundays’). The fi rst instance… read more
Corver, Norbert and Jairo Nunes 2007 From trace theory to copy theoryThe Copy Theory of Movement, Corver, Norbert and Jairo Nunes (eds.), pp. 1–9 | Miscellaneous
Corver, Norbert 2006 Proleptic agreement as a good design propertyStudies on Agreement, Costa, João and Maria Cristina Figueiredo Silva (eds.), pp. 47–73 | Article
Corver, Norbert and Marc van Oostendorp 2005 Low Saxon possessive pronominals: Syntax and phonologyLinguistics in the Netherlands 2005, Doetjes, Jenny and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), pp. 73–86 | Article
Corver, Norbert 2003 12. On three types of movement within the Dutch nominal domainFrom NP to DP: Volume 1: The syntax and semantics of noun phrases, Coene, Martine and Yves D’hulst (eds.), pp. 297–328 | Chapter
Corver, Norbert 2003 3. Perfect projectionsThe Lexicon–Syntax Interface in Second Language Acquisition, Hout, Roeland van, Aafke Hulk, Folkert Kuiken and Richard J. Towell (eds.), pp. 45–68 | Chapter
Corver, Norbert 2001 On predicate numeralsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2001, Wouden, Ton van der and Hans Broekhuis (eds.), pp. 65–76 | Article
Corver, Norbert 1998 Predicate Movement in Pseudopartitive ConstructionsPossessors, Predicates and Movement in the Determiner Phrase, Alexiadou, Artemis and Chris Wilder (eds.), pp. 215–258 | Article