Anna De Fina

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anna De Fina plays a role.


Chronotopes and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Edited by Anna De Fina and Sabina M. Perrino

Special issue of Language, Culture and Society 4:2 (2022) v, 171 pp.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semiotics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Storytelling in the Digital World

Edited by Anna De Fina and Sabina M. Perrino

[Benjamins Current Topics, 104] 2019. v, 131 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Narrative Studies | Pragmatics

Storytelling in the Digital Age: New challenges

Edited by Anna De Fina and Sabina M. Perrino

Special issue of Narrative Inquiry 27:2 (2017) vi, 209 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Narrative Studies

Selves and Identities in Narrative and Discourse

Edited by Michael Bamberg, Anna De Fina and Deborah Schiffrin

[Studies in Narrative, 9] 2007. x, 355 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Narrative Studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Discourse studies | Narrative Studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
De Fina, Anna 2022 The chronotopeHandbook of Pragmatics: 25th Annual Installment, Brisard, Frank, Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras and Mieke Vandenbroucke (eds.), pp. 49–65 | Chapter
The focus of this article is the analysis of stance taking vis-à-vis a chronotope born during the Covid-19 pandemic as a window into how people react to global crises and into the kinds of values that get an uptake and become widely shared in periods of unrest. I focus on Twitter users’… read more
De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino 2022 Chronotopes and the COVID-19 pandemicChronotopes and the COVID-19 Pandemic, De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino (eds.), pp. 98–109 | Introduction
In this introduction we discuss the centrality of the management and perception of space-time coordinates during the Covid-19 crisis and highlight some of the main themes that contributors develop in their articles. In particular, we analyze how contributors’ elaborations of the notion of… read more
In this paper I lay out some of the main theoretical methodological principles that underlie a narratives-as-practices approach and discuss three foci that emerge from current research and pave the way for future investigations. In particular, I focus on mobility, connectivity, time/space… read more
De Fina, Anna and Brittany Toscano Gore 2019 Online retellings and the viral transformation of a Twitter breakup storyStorytelling in the Digital World, De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino (eds.), pp. 27–52 | Article
The retelling and sharing of stories is not a new phenomenon. Many narrativeanalysts have devoted research to these processes. But the culture of participation (Jenkins 2006) in the digital world has brought sharing to a completely new level by allowing users not only to broadcast their opinions… read more
De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino 2019 Introduction: Storytelling in the digital worldStorytelling in the Digital World, De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Introduction
De Fina, Anna and Brittany Toscano Gore 2017 Online retellings and the viral transformation of a twitter breakup storyStorytelling in the Digital Age: New challenges, De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino (eds.), pp. 235–260 | Article
The retelling and sharing of stories is not a new phenomenon. Many narrative analysts have devoted research to these processes. But the culture of participation (Jenkins 2006) in the digital world has brought sharing to a completely new level by allowing users not only to broadcast their… read more
De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino 2017 Introduction: “Storytelling in the digital age”: New challengesStorytelling in the Digital Age: New challenges, De Fina, Anna and Sabina M. Perrino (eds.), pp. 209–216 | Introduction
In this article I discuss the positive impact of the concept of positioning on identity studies, with particular reference to the analysis of narratives. I argue that the notion of positioning (particularly as developed in Bamberg’s 1997 three levels model), together with other constructs such as… read more
Narratives told in interview have become a central tool of data collection and analysis in a variety of disciplines within the social sciences. However, many researchers, particularly those who embrace a conversational analytic or ethnomethodological approach (see among others Schegloff, 1997;… read more
Bamberg, Michael, Anna De Fina and Deborah Schiffrin 2007 Introduction to the volumeSelves and Identities in Narrative and Discourse, Bamberg, Michael, Anna De Fina and Deborah Schiffrin (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Miscellaneous