Chris Culy
List of John Benjamins publications for which Chris Culy plays a role.
Chapter 5. Homesickness, recollections and reunions: Topics and emotions in a corpus of female Irish emigrant correspondence Keeping in Touch: Emigrant letters across the English-speaking world, Hickey, Raymond (ed.), pp. 87–118 | Chapter
2019 This study uses corpus and computational methods to explore topics and emotions in a collection of nineteenth-century migrant correspondence. Specifically, it examines letters by two sisters, Annie and Julia Lough, who migrated from Ireland to America in the late 1870s and early 1880s. First, a… read more
9. The logophoric hierarchy and variation in Dogon Reported Discourse: A meeting ground for different linguistic domains, Güldemann, Tom and Manfred von Roncador (eds.), pp. 201–210 | Chapter