Andrea Golato

List of John Benjamins publications for which Andrea Golato plays a role.


Subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics | Syntax
Golato, Andrea, Emma Betz, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm and Veronika Drake 2024 Verbal and bodily practices for addressing trouble associated with embodied moves in game playNew Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research, Selting, Margret and Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (eds.), pp. 187–219 | Chapter
We provide a first systematic account of how interactants manage trouble that is not localizable in talk but rather in embodied conduct in table-top game play. Interventions targeting embodied problems have been termed “remedial actions” (Lerner and Raymond 2021) or “remedies” (Arminen and… read more
Taleghani-Nikazm, Carmen, Veronika Drake, Andrea Golato and Emma Betz 2020 Chapter 3. Mobilizing for the next relevant action: Managing progressivity in card game interactionsMobilizing Others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities, Taleghani-Nikazm, Carmen, Emma Betz and Peter Golato (eds.), pp. 47–82 | Chapter
This chapter discusses three different actions speakers can employ to move between two concurrently ongoing activities, playing cards and talking. Specifically, we describe three turn formats that mobilize another participant to perform the next move in a card game: (1) turns including the… read more
Golato, Andrea 2018 Chapter 14. Turn-initial naja in GermanBetween Turn and Sequence: Turn-initial particles across languages, Heritage, John and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 413–444 | Chapter
This paper investigates the German token naja in turn initial position in everyday conversation. The paper makes the argument that naja is produced in situations when speakers are negotiating some form of break with prior utterances in the interaction:1 Prior research has indicated that in… read more
Golato, Andrea 2012 Impersonal quotation and hypothetical discourseQuotatives: Cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary perspectives, Buchstaller, Isabelle and Ingrid van Alphen (eds.), pp. 3–36 | Article
This chapter uses Conversation Analysis to study hypothetical reported discourse, that is, reportings consisting of discourse that is entirely fictitious. The paper demonstrates that hypothetical discourse in German is used for three different interactional functions: (a) to model the discourse of… read more
Golato, Andrea 2002 2. Self-quotation in German: Reporting on past decisionsReported Discourse: A meeting ground for different linguistic domains, Güldemann, Tom and Manfred von Roncador (eds.), pp. 49–70 | Chapter