Kun Yang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kun Yang plays a role.


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Trust is of great importance in modern society, but few studies look at it from a linguistic perspective. This paper explores the discourses of trust based on the data from the BLCU Chinese Corpus (BCC). This paper finds that the communicator’s inner states of trust, suspicion, or distrust could… read more
This paper aims to explore the generalization of address terms in online discourse, a largely unheeded pragmatic phenomenon. Taking the generalized Chinese kinship term “son” (érzi) as an example, it analyzes its referents and functions. The analysis was based on a sizable data set collected… read more
Yang, Kun and Lincai Kuang 2023 Review of Brdar & Brdar-Szabó (2022): Figurative Thought and Language in ActionCurrent challenges in metaphor research, Julich-Warpakowski, Nina and Paula Pérez-Sobrino (eds.), pp. 138–143 | Review
Yang, Kun, Jinqiu Guo and Xu Wen 2021 Eating we live by: eating metaphors in Mandarin ChineseCognitive Linguistic Studies 8:1, pp. 204–233 | Article
eating plays a pivotal role in Chinese culture as echoed in the saying mín yǐ shí wéi tiān “Eating is everything for people”. In Chinese, a multitude of expressions related to eating are metaphorically used to talk about aspects of living and we call them “eating metaphors”. eating metaphors… read more
Wen, Xu, Kun Yang and Fangtao Kuang 2014 Cognitive Linguistics: Retrospect and prospectCognitive Linguistic Studies 1:2, pp. 155–170 | Article
As a new paradigm of linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics has made great achievements over the past 30 years or so. In order to make the latest trends of Cognitive Linguistic research known, this paper presents the outstanding achievements and prominent characteristics of Cognitive Linguistics in… read more