Marlie van Rooyen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marlie van Rooyen plays a role.


Rooyen, Marlie van 2025 Chapter 11. Thinking with actor-network theory to unearth the (in)visibility of translation in a journalistic settingField Research on Translation and Interpreting, Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku (eds.), pp. 251–276 | Chapter
Translation in a journalistic setting often disappears in the news production process. On the one hand, news organisations rarely appoint translators, and on the other hand, the task of translation is typically embedded into the news workers’ daily activities. Journalists’ perception of… read more
Rooyen, Marlie van 2019 Chapter 7. Tracing convergence in the translation of community radio newsJournalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence, Davier, Lucile and Kyle Conway (eds.), pp. 155–176 | Chapter
In South Africa, a number of new media role-players have appeared, but radio is still essential for the dissemination of information. This chapter addresses questions related to community radio news translation, namely the forms of new technologies involved. Actor-network theory (ANT) provides a… read more