Martine Vanhove

List of John Benjamins publications for which Martine Vanhove plays a role.

Information Structure in Lesser-described Languages: Studies in prosody and syntax

Edited by Evangelia Adamou, Katharina Haude and Martine Vanhove

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 199] 2018. vi, 450 pp.
Subjects Phonology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Similative and Equative Constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective

Edited by Yvonne Treis and Martine Vanhove

[Typological Studies in Language, 117] 2017. vi, 437 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology

Corpus-based Studies of Lesser-described Languages: The CorpAfroAs corpus of spoken AfroAsiatic languages

Edited by Amina Mettouchi, Martine Vanhove and Dominique Caubet

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 68] 2015. vi, 338 pp.
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Corpus linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Introducing Maltese Linguistics: Selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18–20 October, 2007

Edited by Bernard Comrie, Ray Fabri, Elizabeth Hume, Manwel Mifsud, Thomas Stolz and Martine Vanhove

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 113] 2009. xi, 422 pp.
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | English linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Historical linguistics | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Vanhove, Martine and Mohamed-Tahir Hamid Ahmed 2021 Olfactory, gustatory and tactile perception in Beja (North-Cushitic)The Linguistics of Olfaction: Typological and Diachronic Approaches to Synchronic Diversity, Jędrzejowski, Łukasz and Przemysław Staniewski (eds.), pp. 175–198 | Chapter
This chapter studies the perception words associated with the so-called “lower senses” (olfaction, gustatory and tactile perceptions) in Beja, a Cushitic language spoken mainly in Sudan, from three different perspectives. The first one concerns the organization of the related lexicon from the… read more
Segerer, Guillaume and Martine Vanhove 2019 Color naming in AfricaLexicalization patterns in color naming: A cross-linguistic perspective, Raffaelli, Ida, Daniela Katunar and Barbara Kerovec (eds.), pp. 1–44 | Chapter
This chapter is the first large-scale typological survey of the lexical means used in African languages to express color-related meanings. It is based on a very large sample, with data from 350 languages, most of which come from the RefLex online lexical database. It focuses on language-internal… read more
Adamou, Evangelia, Katharina Haude and Martine Vanhove 2018 Chapter 1. Investigating information structure in lesser-known and endangered languages: An introductionInformation Structure in Lesser-described Languages: Studies in prosody and syntax, Adamou, Evangelia, Katharina Haude and Martine Vanhove (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Chapter
Vanhove, Martine and Mohamed-Tahir Hamid Ahmed 2018 Diminutives and augmentatives in Beja (North-Cushitic)Morphology and emotions across the world's languages, Ponsonnet, Maïa and Marine Vuillermet (eds.), pp. 51–80 | Article
The evaluative morphology of Beja consists of four devices: gender shift to feminine on nouns, and sound change (r>l) on nouns, verbs and adjectives form the diminutives. A suffix -loːj on adjectives, and -l on Manner converbs, form the augmentatives. The analysis focuses on the evaluative,… read more
Treis, Yvonne and Martine Vanhove 2017 IntroductionSimilative and Equative Constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective, Treis, Yvonne and Martine Vanhove (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Chapter
This paper presents an overview of the morphosyntax of comparative, equative and similative constructions in Beja, a Cushitic language spoken in Sudan. It also discusses their relevance for current typological models and the extent to which they are at variance with the existing literature (Stassen… read more
Vanhove, Martine 2016 The Manner converb in Beja (Cushitic) and its refinitizationFiniteness and Nominalization, Chamoreau, Claudine and Zarina Estrada-Fernández (eds.), pp. 323–344 | Article
This paper focuses on the formal properties and uses of nonfinite constructions in Beja (Cushitic) with the Manner converb, and its refinitization as a Perfect paradigm. The analysis is carried out against the background of typological studies on converbs and copredicative constructions. This… read more
Mettouchi, Amina, Martine Vanhove and Dominique Caubet 2015 PrefaceCorpus-based Studies of Lesser-described Languages: The CorpAfroAs corpus of spoken AfroAsiatic languages, Mettouchi, Amina, Martine Vanhove and Dominique Caubet (eds.), pp. 1–9 | Preface
Yatziv-Malibert, Il-Il and Martine Vanhove 2015 Quotative constructions and prosody in some Afroasiatic languages: Towards a typologyCorpus-based Studies of Lesser-described Languages: The CorpAfroAs corpus of spoken AfroAsiatic languages, Mettouchi, Amina, Martine Vanhove and Dominique Caubet (eds.), pp. 117–169 | Article
This chapter investigates, in a crosslinguistic perspective, the relationship between prosodic contours and direct and indirect reported speech (i.e. without or with deictic shift) in four typologically and genetically different Afroasiatic languages of the CorpAfroAs pilot corpus: Beja (Cushitic),… read more
Several particles in the Arabic variety spoken in the area of Yafi’ (Yemen) show tight recurring links between deixis, informational hierarchy, and syntactic hierarchy, both diachronically and synchronically. In the light of Robert’s (1993, 2000) findings on focusing strategies, these links are… read more
Vanhove, Martine 2010 Mood in MalteseMood in the Languages of Europe, Rothstein, Björn and Rolf Thieroff (eds.), pp. 571–583 | Article
Gaume, Bruno, Karine Duvignau and Martine Vanhove 2008 Semantic associations and confluences in paradigmatic networksFrom Polysemy to Semantic Change: Towards a typology of lexical semantic associations, Vanhove, Martine (ed.), pp. 233–264 | Article
In this article, we hypothesize that some of the structural properties of paradigmatic graphs of the hierarchical small world type are to be found in all natural languages. Within this hypothesis of the universal structure of paradigmatic graphs, we explore a method for the automatic analysis of… read more
Following previous works (Sweetser 1990; Evans & Wilkins 2000) on the semantic extensions of verbs expressing sensory modalities and prehension to other semantic domains, this study investigates the semantic associations between vision, hearing, prehension, and mental perception in a sample of 25… read more
Vanhove, Martine 2008 Semantic associations: A forewordFrom Polysemy to Semantic Change: Towards a typology of lexical semantic associations, Vanhove, Martine (ed.), pp. vii–xiii | Miscellaneous
Cohen, David, Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle and Martine Vanhove 2002 11. The grammaticalization of ‘say’ and ‘do’: An areal phenomenon in East AfricaReported Discourse: A meeting ground for different linguistic domains, Güldemann, Tom and Manfred von Roncador (eds.), pp. 227–251 | Chapter
Vanhove, Martine 1996 The Negation maašii in a Yaafi'i Dialect (Yemen)Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Eid, Mushira and Dilworth B. Parkinson (eds.), pp. 195–206 | Article