Shmuel Bolozky
List of John Benjamins publications for which Shmuel Bolozky plays a role.
Chapter 9. Parts of speech categories in the lexicon of Modern Hebrew Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Background, Morpho-lexicon, and Syntax, Berman, Ruth A. (ed.), pp. 265–330 | Chapter
2020 Parts of speech in Modern Hebrew are analyzed in relation to three categories:
Open Class items (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives), Closed Class paradigmatically organized
grammatical items (e.g., Pronouns, Case-Markers, Conjunctions), and Intermediate elements
lying between the two (e.g., Prepositions,… read more
7. The ‘roots’ of denominative Hebrew verbs Language Processing and Acquisition in Languages of Semitic, Root-Based, Morphology, Shimron, Joseph (ed.), pp. 131–146 | Chapter