Caroline Barrière

List of John Benjamins publications for which Caroline Barrière plays a role.



Probing Semantic Relations: Exploration and identification in specialized texts

Edited by Alain Auger and Caroline Barrière

[Benjamins Current Topics, 23] 2010. ix, 156 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Semantics | Terminology

Pattern-based Approaches to Semantic Relation Extraction

Edited by Alain Auger and Caroline Barrière

Special issue of Terminology 14:1 (2008) 160 pp.
Subjects Lexicography | Terminology
Auger, Alain and Caroline Barrière 2010 Probing semantic relations: Exploration and identification in specialized textsProbing Semantic Relations: Exploration and identification in specialized texts, Auger, Alain and Caroline Barrière (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
Halskov, Jakob and Caroline Barrière 2010 Web-based extraction of semantic relation instances for terminology workProbing Semantic Relations: Exploration and identification in specialized texts, Auger, Alain and Caroline Barrière (eds.), pp. 19–42 | Article
Auger, Alain and Caroline Barrière 2008 Pattern-based approaches to semantic relation extraction: A state-of-the-artPattern-based Approaches to Semantic Relation Extraction, Auger, Alain and Caroline Barrière (eds.), pp. 1–19 | Article
Halskov, Jakob and Caroline Barrière 2008 Web-based extraction of semantic relation instances for terminology workPattern-based Approaches to Semantic Relation Extraction, Auger, Alain and Caroline Barrière (eds.), pp. 20–44 | Article
This article describes the implementation and evaluation of WWW2REL, a domain-independent and pattern-based knowledge discovery system which extracts semantic relation instances from text fragments on the WWW so as to assist terminologists updating or expanding existing ontologies. Unlike most… read more
Barrière, Caroline 2004 Building a concept hierarchy from corpus analysisTerminology 10:2, pp. 241–263 | Article
Corpus analysis is today at the heart of building Terminological Knowledge Bases (TKBs). Important terms are usually first extracted from a corpus and then related to one another via semantic relations. This research brings the discovery of semantic relations to the forefront to allow the discovery… read more
Barrière, Caroline 2002 Hierarchical refinement and representation of the causal relationTerminology 8:1, pp. 91–111 | Article
This research looks at the complexity inherent in the causal relation and the implications for its representation in a Terminological Knowledge Base (TKB). Supported by a more general study of semantic relation hierarchies, a hierarchical refinement of the causal relation is proposed. It results… read more
Barrière, Caroline 2001 Investigating the causal relation in informative textsTerminology 7:2, pp. 135–154 | Article
Our work investigates the causal relation as it is expressed in informative texts. We view causal relations as important because of the dynamic dimension they bring to a domain model. Thorough study of a corpus leads us to distinguish two prominent classes of indicators of the causal relation:… read more