Josefina Bravo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Josefina Bravo plays a role.


Walker, Sue, Josefina Bravo, Al Edwards, Julie Hart and Gemma Little 2022 Instructions for COVID-19 self-tests: What parts of the test are the most difficult to get right and how can information design help?Information Visualization, Meirelles, Isabel, Marian Dörk and Yanni Loukissas (eds.), pp. 126–139 | Article
This paper summarises a cross-disciplinary project that explored ways of making instructions, funded as part of the UK COVID-19 rapid-response initiative. The project explored ways of making instructions for COVID-19 Lateral Flow Tests easy for lay people to use. Our method comprised rapid… read more
Walker, Sue, Manjula Halai, Rachel Warner and Josefina Bravo 2021 Beat Bad Microbes: Raising public awareness of antibiotic resistance in RwandaInformation Design Journal 26:1, pp. 17–32 | Article
Health-related information design has made a difference to people’s lives through clear explanation of procedures, processes, disease prevention and maintenance. This paper provides an example of user-centered design being applied to engage people with the prevention of drug-resistant infection.… read more