Sofía Pérez Fernández

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sofía Pérez Fernández plays a role.


Gras, Pedro, Sofía Pérez Fernández and Frank Brisard 2023 Chapter 8. Quotative que constructions in Spanish: A constructional variational approachConstructions in Spanish, Hennecke, Inga and Evelyn Wiesinger (eds.), pp. 193–223 | Chapter
Construction Grammar is a theoretical approach amenable to accommodating any conventional feature of the meaning or form of a construction as part of its description, including lectal information. This paper provides a constructional analysis of the quotative que construction in… read more
This paper offers an analysis of insubordinate subjunctive complement clauses (ISCs) in Spanish and aims to contribute to the general debate in Construction Grammar on how to deal with a highly pragmatically specified surface form that expresses several meanings. We explore whether the meanings… read more