Rosa Estopà

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rosa Estopà plays a role.


Mots nous en català / New words in Catalan: Una panoràmica geolectal / A diatopic view

Edited by Teresa Cabré, Ona Domènech Bagaria and Rosa Estopà

Subjects Historical linguistics | Morphology | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Neology in Specialized Communication

Edited by Teresa Cabré, Rosa Estopà and Chelo Vargas-Sierra

Special issue of Terminology 18:1 (2012) v, 148 pp.
Subjects Lexicography | Terminology
Medical reports provide a record of a patient’s diagnostic or therapeutic process while receiving healthcare. It is, therefore, critical that patients have a good understanding of their medical reports, particularly as various studies show that misunderstanding or failing to understand them can… read more
Domènech Bagaria, Ona and Rosa Estopà 2014 Prefaci / PrefaceMots nous en català / New words in Catalan: Una panoràmica geolectal / A diatopic view, Cabré, Teresa, Ona Domènech Bagaria and Rosa Estopà (eds.), pp. 5–22 | Article
Domènech Bagaria, Ona y Rosa Estopà 2014 Sufixació / SuffixationMots nous en català / New words in Catalan: Una panoràmica geolectal / A diatopic view, Cabré, Teresa, Ona Domènech Bagaria and Rosa Estopà (eds.), pp. 41–66 | Article
The derivative process of suffixation has always been considered one of the most common and genuine mechanisms that the romance languages have to form new words. Therefore, the study of this process in the diatopic varieties of Catalan is crucial to the linguistic knowledge available about the… read more
Cabré, Teresa, Rosa Estopà and Chelo Vargas-Sierra 2012 Neology in specialized communicationNeology in Specialized Communication, Cabré, Teresa, Rosa Estopà and Chelo Vargas-Sierra (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Cabré, Teresa, Rosa Estopà and Jordi Vivaldi Palatresi 2001 Automatic term detection: A review of current systemsRecent Advances in Computational Terminology, Bourigault, Didier, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme (eds.), pp. 53–87 | Chapter
In this paper we account for the main characteristics and performance of a number of recently developed term extraction systems. The analysed tools represent the main strategies followed by researchers in this area. All systems are analysed and compared against a set of technically relevant… read more
This work reflects on what must be the basic object of terminological research in accordance with the needs of users. Firstly, we argue that this object cannot be limited to nominal referential units, that is to say, to terminological units. It has to include all units with specialised meaning in… read more