Dörte Borchers
List of John Benjamins publications for which Dörte Borchers plays a role.
Loss of object indexation in verbal paradigms of Koĩc (Tibeto-Burman, Nepal): Loss of object indexation in verbal paradigms of Koĩc (Tibeto-Burman, Nepal) Lost in Change: Causes and processes in the loss of grammatical elements and constructions, Kranich, Svenja and Tine Breban (eds.), pp. 333–362 | Chapter
2021 Koĩc ([kɔĩts]; English: Sunwar) is a Kiranti language spoken in eastern Nepal. In the past, Koĩc had a biactantial indexing system with transitive verbs indexing subjects and objects, a typical feature of Kiranti languages.1 In modern Koĩc, transitive verbs are not indexed for object. A… read more
Marking anteriority, perfect and perfectivity in languages of mainland Southeast Asia – concepts, linguistic area Conceptualizations of Time, Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (ed.), pp. 243–270 | Article
2016 As a result of language contact, Southeast Asian languages belonging to different
language families share features, such as phonemic tone and numeral classifiers.
Similarities between Southeast Asian languages in the frequency of explicit
temporal marking, and the reference to spatial and temporal… read more