Elisa Barrajón López

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisa Barrajón López plays a role.


Verb Classes and Aspect

Edited by Elisa Barrajón López, José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia and Susana Rodríguez Rosique

Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Barrajón López, Elisa 2023 Secondary senses of the verb afrancesar/se throughout history: The importance of shared knowledgeVerb and Context: The impact of shared knowledge on TAME categories, Rodríguez Rosique, Susana and Jordi M. Antolí Martínez (eds.), pp. 77–98 | Chapter
The objective of this paper is to check whether the secondary meliorative or pejorative senses that the morphological gentilic francés [French] has acquired over time, which are also subject to various circumstances (historical, cultural, social, etc.) have affected the meaning of the verb that… read more
Barrajón López, Elisa 2015 The conceptualization of change of state in verbs coming from gentiliciosVerb Classes and Aspect, Barrajón López, Elisa, José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia and Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Article
This paper has as its aim to examine the way in which the meaning of the derivative base (regardless of its denominal or deadjectival nature, although it will be demonstrated here that it rather follows an adjectival behavior) influences the semantics of verbs coming from gentilicios… read more
Barrajón López, Elisa, José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia and Susana Rodríguez Rosique 2015 PrefaceVerb Classes and Aspect, Barrajón López, Elisa, José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia and Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.), pp. vii–xvi | Preface
Barrajón López, Elisa 2011 On meteorological denominal verbs in Spanish: Syntactic-semantic properties and argument relationshipsSpanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis and Susana Rodríguez Rosique (eds.), pp. 3–20 | Article
This chapter focuses on meteorological denominal verbs. Besides studying their morphological processes, the argument structure presented by these verbs is analyzed in order to determine which conceptual components are condensed in the lexeme. The chapter then goes on to establish a classification… read more