Howard Nicholas
List of John Benjamins publications for which Howard Nicholas plays a role.
Widening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues
Edited by Anke Lenzing, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos
[Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 7] 2019. ix, 404 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Learning, Keeping and Using Language: Selected papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987. Volume 1
Edited by M.A.K. Halliday †, John Gibbons and Howard Nicholas
[Not in series, LKUL 1] 1990. xx, 508 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Learning, Keeping and Using Language: Selected papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987. Volume 2
Edited by M.A.K. Halliday †, John Gibbons and Howard Nicholas
[Not in series, LKUL 2] 1990. xvi, 488 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Learning, Keeping and Using Language: Selected papers from the Eighth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, 16–21 August 1987. 2 Volumes (set)
Edited by M.A.K. Halliday †, John Gibbons and Howard Nicholas
[Not in series, LKUL S] 1990. xx, 508 + xvi, 488 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Current Issues in First and Second Language Development: Proceedings of the ALAA Working Group on Language Development, Alice Springs, August 1984
Edited by Howard Nicholas
Special issue of Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 8:2 (1985) iii, 151 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Translation Studies | Writing and literacy
Chapter 3. Stabilization: A dynamic account Second Language Acquisition Theory: The legacy of Professor Michael H. Long, Benati, Alessandro G. and John W. Schwieter (eds.), pp. 29–76 | Chapter
2022 We accord with Mike Long’s rejection of fossilization as a concept able to describe or explain second language acquisition. And we share his bewilderment (Long, 2003, p. 512f.) that since most studies of fossilization make reference to explanatory factors external to language and cognition,… read more
Discursive constructions of the viewing of a bathroom as a linguistic landscape in a shared home Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 43:1, pp. 29–51 | Article
2020 In the linguistic landscapes (LL) literature there is frequent mention of the viewing of public locales by passers-by, owners, and tourists, who necessarily enter and exit locales in different ways, times, and conditions. This paper extends our understanding of the viewing of LL by investigating… read more
Chapter 1. Contextualising issues in Processability Theory Widening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues, Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
2019 Chapter 7. Using the Multiplicity framework to reposition and reframe the Hypothesis Space Widening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues, Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos (eds.), pp. 157–184 | Chapter
2019 In this chapter we explore how the Multiplicity framework of the communicative repertoire offers ways to expand understandings of Hypothesis Space and widens insights into the process of second language acquisition currently offered by PT. We focus on the potential of the Multiplicity framework for… read more
Chapter 17. How does PT’s view of acquisition relate to the challenge of widening perspectives on SLA? Widening Contexts for Processability Theory: Theories and issues, Lenzing, Anke, Howard Nicholas and Jana Roos (eds.), pp. 391–398 | Chapter
2019 Using young learners’ language environments for EFL learning: Ways of working with linguistic landscapes Policy and practice in early language learning, Enever, Janet and Patricia Driscoll (eds.), pp. 91–111 | Article
2019 In this article we explore how primary school learners of English in Germany engage with examples of English that they were asked to locate in their local environments (their linguistic landscapes, LLs). In association with each located image, the learners completed a standardised worksheet in… read more
Defining child second language acquisition, defining roles for L2 instruction Second Language Acquisition and the Younger Learner: Child's play?, Philp, Jenefer, Rhonda Oliver and Alison Mackey (eds.), pp. 27–51 | Article
2008 In this chapter, ‘child’ second language acquisition is defined as distinct fromboth ‘adult’ second language acquisition and from either monolingual or simultaneous bilingual development in childhood. We argue that ‘second language acquisition’ begins at a very early age (certainly before age 3)… read more
Is there progress in standards? Defining Standards and Monitoring Progress in Learning Languages other than English, Elder, Catherine (ed.), pp. 79–88 | Article
2000 Looking at language in bilingual education Australian Applied Language Studies, McNamara, Tim F. (ed.), pp. 68–82 | Article
1987 This paper examines the place of language descriptions in the evaluation of bilingual education. Based on a partial analysis of data derived from the third year of a study of a Macedonian/English bilingual education program in a primary school in Melbourne, the paper suggests that the variation… read more
Editorial notes Literacy, p. | Editorial
1986 Introduction Current Issues in First and Second Language Development: Proceedings of the ALAA Working Group on Language Development, Alice Springs, August 1984, Nicholas, Howard (ed.), pp. 1–12 | Introduction
1985 Individual difference in interlanguage use Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 8:1, pp. 70–86 | Article
1985 Learning how to mean in another language Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 3:1, pp. 39–48 | Article