Theo Janssen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Theo Janssen plays a role.


Reported Speech: Forms and functions of the verb

Edited by Theo Janssen and Wim van der Wurff

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 43] 1996. x, 312 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Boogaart, Ronny and Theo Janssen 2010 Mood in DutchMood in the Languages of Europe, Rothstein, Björn and Rolf Thieroff (eds.), pp. 117–132 | Article
This chapter argues for a speaker/hearer-based grammar conceived of as a structured set of procedures and procedural elements which clarify how interlocutors can produce and understand utterances. Some basic issues of a speaker/hearerbased grammar (primacy of the utterance, interaction between… read more
Janssen, Theo 1998 Giving in Dutch: An intra-lexematical and inter-lexematical descriptionThe Linguistics of Giving, Newman, John (ed.), pp. 267–306 | Article
Janssen, Theo 1998 The Referentiality of TensesTense and Aspect: The contextual processing of semantic indeterminacy, Vogeleer, Svetlana, Walter De Mulder and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. 209–228 | Article
Abstract. This article assumes that tenses in English and Dutch are non-time-based. A verb in the present tense form signals 'verb-in-this-context-of-situation', whereas a verb in the past tense form signals 'verb-in-that-context-of-situation'. It is argued here that the non-time-based analysis of… read more
Janssen, Theo 1996 Tense in reported speech and its frame of referenceReported Speech: Forms and functions of the verb, Janssen, Theo and Wim van der Wurff (eds.), pp. 237–260 | Article
Janssen, Theo and Wim van der Wurff 1996 Introductory remarks on reported speech and thoughtReported Speech: Forms and functions of the verb, Janssen, Theo and Wim van der Wurff (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article