Pieter Reitsma
List of John Benjamins publications for which Pieter Reitsma plays a role.
Hilte, Maartje, Mieke Bos and Pieter Reitsma 2005
Effects of spelling pronunciations during spelling practice in Dutch Literacy Processes and Literacy Development, Reitsma, Pieter and Ludo Verhoeven (eds.), pp. 61–77 | Article
Because it is often assumed that difficulties in spelling are of phonological origin, the aim of this study was to examine whether emphasis on the pronunciation of individual graphemes is beneficial for learning to spell words in poor spellers. In the first experiment Dutch children with a spelling… read more
Reitsma, Pieter 2002
Precursors of phonemic awareness Precursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 33–48 | Article
Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma 2002
Functional literacy in a developmental perspective Precursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 3–13 | Article