Ann Copestake

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ann Copestake plays a role.


Copestake, Ann and Marina Terkourafi 2010 Conventionalized speech act formulae: From corpus findings to formalizationConstraints in Discourse 2, Kühnlein, Peter, Anton Benz and Candace L. Sidner (eds.), pp. 125–140 | Article
This paper concerns the representation of formulae which conventionally encode particular illocutionary forces. Our aim is to provide an account of illocutionary force which allows the conventionalized formulae to be regarded as interpretive shortcuts. We propose an HPSG account in which the… read more
Schlangen, David, Alex Lascarides and Ann Copestake 2003 Resolving Underspecification using Discourse InformationPerspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, Kühnlein, Peter, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat (eds.), pp. 287–305 | Article