Theres Grüter
List of John Benjamins publications for which Theres Grüter plays a role.
Prediction in Second Language Processing and Learning
Edited by Edith Kaan and Theres Grüter
[Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 12] 2021. xiii, 234 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Input and Experience in Bilingual Development
Edited by Theres Grüter and Johanne Paradis
[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 13] 2014. ix, 204 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Facilitative use of classifiers in heritage Vietnamese Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 Recent research has highlighted the value of investigating the online language processing of heritage speakers (HS) as a means of accessing their implicit language knowledge (Montrul, 2023). While studies have shown that Spanish and Polish HS use grammatical gender cues to predict upcoming nouns… read more
Chapter 10. Forcing prediction increases priming and adaptation in second language production Prediction in Second Language Processing and Learning, Kaan, Edith and Theres Grüter (eds.), pp. 207–232 | Chapter
2021 This paper presents a priming experiment with Korean learners of English designed to test the hypothesis that engagement in prediction and the consequent computation of prediction error will lead to increased priming and adaptation. Participants in the guessing-game condition, who had to predict… read more
Chapter 1. Prediction in second language processing and learning: Advances and directions Prediction in Second Language Processing and Learning, Kaan, Edith and Theres Grüter (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
2021 There is ample evidence that language users, including second language (L2) speakers, can predict upcoming information during listening and reading. Yet it is still unclear when, how, and why language users engage in prediction, and what the relation is between prediction and learning. This… read more
Coreference and discourse coherence in L2: The roles of grammatical aspect and referential form Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7:2, pp. 199–229 | Article
2017 Discourse-level factors, such as event structure and the form of referential expressions, play an important role in native speakers’ referential processing. This paper presents an experiment with Japanese- and Korean-speaking learners of English, investigating the extent to which discourse-level… read more
Language exposure and online processing efficiency in bilingual development: Relative versus absolute measures Input and Experience in Bilingual Development, Grüter, Theres and Johanne Paradis (eds.), pp. 15–36 | Article
2014 This chapter summarizes what we know so far about the development of online processing skill in young bilingual children, with a focus on the relation between individual differences in language exposure and processing skill. We discuss evidence from studies with Spanish-English bilingual children… read more
Introduction to “Input and experience in bilingual development” Input and Experience in Bilingual Development, Grüter, Theres and Johanne Paradis (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
Investigating the L2 initial state: Additional evidence from the production and comprehension of Afrikaans-speaking learners of German Inquiries in Linguistic Development: In honor of Lydia White, Slabakova, Roumyana, Silvina Montrul and Philippe Prévost (eds.), pp. 89–114 | Article