Óscar Loureda

List of John Benjamins publications for which Óscar Loureda plays a role.



Empirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse

Edited by Óscar Loureda, Inés Recio Fernández, Laura Nadal and Adriana Cruz

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 305] 2019. vi, 321 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
This contribution aims to set out the effects of discourse marking on processing. On the basis of examples from Spanish, we try to show the principles governing the interplay between the procedural meaning of discourse markers (connectives) and the conceptual meaning of the discourse segments… read more
Cruz, Adriana and Óscar Loureda 2019 Chapter 7. Processing patterns of focusing in SpanishEmpirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Loureda, Óscar, Inés Recio Fernández, Laura Nadal and Adriana Cruz (eds.), pp. 195–228 | Chapter
Different kinds of focusing relations that encode different assumptions are expected to exhibit different kinds of processing patterns (Loureda et al. 2015; Lowder and Gordon 2015; Nadal et al. 2016). In this paper, we present findings of an eye tracking study that takes under consideration two… read more
Loureda, Óscar, Inés Recio Fernández, Adriana Cruz and Laura Nadal 2019 IntroductionEmpirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Loureda, Óscar, Inés Recio Fernández, Laura Nadal and Adriana Cruz (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Introduction
Nadal, Laura, Inés Recio Fernández, Martha Rudka and Óscar Loureda 2017 Chapter 5. Processing additivity in Spanish: incluso vs. ademásFocus on Additivity: Adverbial modifiers in Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages, De Cesare, Anna-Maria and Cecilia Andorno (eds.), pp. 137–154 | Chapter
This paper offers an experimental analysis of how additive discourse relations are processed in Spanish. The processing data were obtained from an eye-tracking reading experiment on utterances in which the focus operator incluso ‘even’ and the additive connective además ‘furthermore’ were either… read more