Rebecca Boncoddo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rebecca Boncoddo plays a role.


Nathan, Mitchell J., Amelia Yeo, Rebecca Boncoddo, Autumn Hostetter and Martha W. Alibali 2019 Teachers’ attitudes about gesture for learning and instructionGesture 18:1, pp. 31–56 | Article
We developed and tested a survey instrument to measure teachers’ attitudes about gesture in learning and instruction (TAGLI). Teachers (N = 192) generally believed that instructional gestures are beneficial for learning, and not distracting for students. Teachers had positive expectations, both… read more
Hostetter, Autumn and Rebecca Boncoddo 2017 Chapter 7. Gestures highlight perceptual-motor representations in thinkingWhy Gesture?: How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating, Church, Ruth Breckinridge, Martha W. Alibali and Spencer D. Kelly (eds.), pp. 155–174 | Chapter
Abstract Gestures are adept at expressing perceptual and motor information. In this chapter, we propose that, as representational actions, gestures both stem from and influence perceptual representations, in much the same way that action and perception more generally exist in an… read more