Monika Ekiert

List of John Benjamins publications for which Monika Ekiert plays a role.


Studies of L2 oral task performance report fluency as critical for functional adequacy, with pausing behaviors emerging as strong predictors of functionally adequate speech. The present study investigated the extent to which the type and location of pausing is related to functional adequacy.… read more
Ekiert, Monika, Sofia Lampropoulou, Andrea Révész and Eivind Torgersen 2018 Chapter 10. The effects of task type and L2 proficiency on discourse appropriacy in oral task performanceTask-Based Approaches to Teaching and Assessing Pragmatics, Taguchi, Naoko and YouJin Kim (eds.), pp. 247–263 | Chapter
Conceived within the TBLT framework, the present study examined pedagogic tasks as vehicles for demonstrating L2 learners’ discourse appropriacy in oral production. Eighty ESL learners’ discourse appropriacy was measured using three pragmatically-oriented task types (complaint, refusal, and advice)… read more