David Cram

List of John Benjamins publications for which David Cram plays a role.


Subjects History of linguistics
Subjects History of linguistics
The aim of this paper is to outline an approach to linguistic historiography which is informed by 20th-century phenomenology and hermeneutics, but which is formulated in linguistic terms. The key concept is that of the ‘time horizons’ which delimit the context which is relevant to the… read more
Cram, David 1992 Language Universals and 17th-Century Universal SchemesJohn Wilkins and 17th-Century British Linguistics, Subbiondo, Joseph L. (ed.), pp. 191 ff. | Article
Cram, David and Ruth Campbell 1992 A 16th-century case of acquired DysgraphiaHistoriographia Linguistica 19:1, pp. 57–64 | Article
The purpose of this article is to draw attention to one of the earliest historical reports, to the authors’ knowledge, of a specific acquired agraphia: the first-hand account of a man who lost his ability to use letters in writing as a result of a battle injury in 1536. The description occurs as… read more