Zeki Majeed Hassan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zeki Majeed Hassan plays a role.


Instrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics

Edited by Zeki Majeed Hassan and Barry Heselwood

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 319] 2011. xii, 365 pp.
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Phonetics | Theoretical linguistics


Hassan, Zeki Majeed 2011 An acoustic phonetic study of quantity and quantity complementarity in Swedish and Iraqi ArabicInstrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics, Hassan, Zeki Majeed and Barry Heselwood (eds.), pp. 47–62 | Article
This study presents acoustic durational measurements of vowel and consonant sequences from two speakers of Iraqi Arabic (IA) and one speaker of Swedish involving quantity distinctions. Contrary to the findings of Hassan (2002, 2003), the durational difference between long vowels preceding geminates… read more
Hassan, Zeki Majeed and John H. Esling 2011 Investigating the emphatic feature in Iraqi Arabic: Acoustic and articulatory evidence of coarticulationInstrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics, Hassan, Zeki Majeed and Barry Heselwood (eds.), pp. 217–234 | Article
The secondary place of articulation for Arabic emphatic consonants varies across dialects. This study examines two speakers of Iraqi Arabic, using acoustic evidence, and one speaker of Iraqi Arabic, using direct visual articulatory (transnasal laryngoscopic) evidence, to investigate the phonetic… read more
Heselwood, Barry and Zeki Majeed Hassan 2011 IntroductionInstrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics, Hassan, Zeki Majeed and Barry Heselwood (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Article