Alexandra Marti
List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexandra Marti plays a role.
L’intercompréhension en contexte universitaire: Traduction du Petit Chaperon Rouge de Charles Perrault dans différentes langues romanes Aproximación a la traducción de referentes culturales en el ámbito audiovisual y literario / Approach to the translation of cultural references in the audiovisual and literary fields, Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro, Lucía Navarro-Brotons y Iván Martínez-Blasco (ed.), pp. 280–294 | Chapter
2025 The aim of this chapter is to show the two contradictory trends in the European plurilingual area: one that advocates European plurilingualism in the school environment and, at the same time, one that maintains a watertight education system in which the ideology of a single language prevails,… read more