Jan H. Hulstijn

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jan H. Hulstijn plays a role.



Subjects Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism

EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 14 (2014)

Edited by Leah Roberts, Ineke Vedder and Jan H. Hulstijn

[EUROSLA Yearbook, 14] 2014. x, 261 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Hulstijn, Jan H. 2022 Chapter 1. IntroductionUnderstanding L2 Proficiency: Theoretical and meta-analytic investigations, Jeon, Eun Hee and Yo In'nami (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Chapter
I evaluate three schools in linguistics (structuralism; generative linguistics; usage based linguistics) from the perspective of Karl Popper’s critical rationalism. Theories (providing proximate explanations) may be falsified at some point in time. In contrast, metatheories, such as Darwin’s… read more
This chapter examines to what extent Krashen’s (1981) distinction between acquired (implicit) and learned (explicit) knowledge can be upheld from a usage-based view on first and second language learning and in the light of recent advancement in (neuro)cognitive research on artificial grammar… read more
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR, Council of Europe, 2001) currently functions as an instrument for educational policy and practice. The view of language proficiency on which it is based and the six proficiency levels it defines lack empirical support from… read more
Hulstijn, Jan H. and Sible Andringa 2014 The effects of age and level of education on the ability of adult native speakers of Dutch to segment speech into wordsAbove and Beyond the Segments: Experimental linguistics and phonetics, Caspers, Johanneke, Yiya Chen, Willemijn Heeren, Jos Pacilly, Niels O. Schiller and Ellen van Zanten (eds.), pp. 152–164 | Article
This study tested Hulstijn’s (2011) hypothesis that adult native speakers share the ability to process every-day speech, although older people do so more slowly than younger people. In two segmentation tasks, segments of speech were presented consisting of two to four highly common words. In the… read more
Hulstijn, Jan H. 2012 Raadsels van tweedetaalverwervingDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 1:1, pp. 150–159 | Article
This paper predicts that the study of second language acquisition, as a young discipline of scientific inquiry in its own right, faces a bright future, but only if its scholarly community critically re-examines some notions and assumptions that have too long been taken for granted. First, it is… read more
Jong, Nivja de, Margarita P. Steinel, Arjen F. Florijn, Rob Schoonen and Jan H. Hulstijn 2012 The effect of task complexity on functional adequacy, fluency and lexical diversity in speaking performances of native and non-native speakersDimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA, Housen, Alex, Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder (eds.), pp. 121–142 | Article
This study investigated how task complexity affected native and non-native speakers’ speaking performance in terms of a measure of communicative success (functional adequacy), three types of fluency (breakdown fluency, speed fluency, and repair fluency), and lexical diversity. Participants (208… read more
Hulstijn, Jan H. 2011 Explanations of associations between L1 and L2 literacy skillsModeling Bilingualism: From Structure to Chaos, Schmid, Monika S. and Wander Lowie (eds.), pp. 85–112 | Article
This paper reviews the results of 13 empirical studies investigating associations between L1 and L2 reading or writing skills, that were published after the reviews of Alderson (1984) and Cummins (1991a). Special attention is given to two large studies, in which the author was involved, that use… read more
Hulstijn, Jan H. 2010 Chapter 9. Measuring second language proficiencyExperimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research, Blom, Elma and Sharon Unsworth (eds.), pp. 185–200 | Chapter
Hulstijn, Jan H. 2007 Fundamental issues in the study of second language acquisitionEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 7 (2007), Roberts, Leah, Ayşe Gürel, Sibel Tatar and Leyla Martı (eds.), pp. 191–203 | Article
The study of second language acquisition (SLA) forms a young academic discipline, emerging from fundamental paradigm shifts in SLA’s parent disciplines, linguistics and psychology. This paper gives a brief overview of how the study of SLA came into existence, formulates the fundamental questions… read more
In this article we addres the question of whether, and to what exetent, noun gender attribution in languages such as French, German and Dutch can be formulated in terms of - semantic morphonological rules - competing semantic and morphonological cues - arbitrary idiosyncratic features In addressing… read more
This contribution gives a global introduction into recent developments in theory and research on individual differences in language learning. It attempts to outline a more general framework for the contributions in this volume on learner differences. The following five questions are focused upon:… read more
This research focused on the incidental learning of the meaning of new word forms occurring in a reading passage. In five experiments, a comparison was made of the retention effects of several ways to orient readers to the meaning of twelve new word forms ("targets"), occurring in a reading… read more
Hulstijn, Jan H. 1989 It's so Difficult to Explain You KnowToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 35, pp. 107–111 | Article
This paper critically examines Pienemann's theory of second-language acquisition orders. The paper raises methodological as well as theoretical issues: the validity of the acquisition order found by Clahsen, Meisel & Pienemann (1983), evidence for this order from longitudinal research, evidence… read more
Two investigations were carried out to estimate the usefulness of the context method for the explanation of word meanings. This method provides the L2 learner with a sample sentence for each target word, without translation into LI. A sample of 100 sentences was selected from a monolingual… read more
Berkel, A.J. van en Jan H. Hulstijn 1985 Toegepaste Taalwetenschap Als Zelfstandige DisciplineToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 23, pp. 112–118 | Article
Hulstijn, Jan H. 1983 Componenten Van Tweede-TaalbeheersingToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 17, pp. 82–111 | Article
This study contains a reanalysis of some of the data collected by Cummins et al. (to appear), in their study of Japanese and Viet-namese immigrant students in Canada. The present study focusses on the English communicative test data elicited from 11 grade 2/3 and 11 grade 5/6 Japanese students who… read more
Starting-point for the two pilot studies reported here was the question whether systematicity in interlanguage is the same for different types of L2 behavior. We hypothesized that: 1. If L2 learners know the correct L2 rule they make more errors (deviations from that particular L2 rule) in an oral… read more
In the first and second section of this paper some methodological topics in the study of interlanguage (IL) and error analysis are discussed. The author adheres to Adjemian's point of view (1976): any interlanguage is a natural language and contains a linguistic system. Its systematicity is… read more