John Nerbonne

List of John Benjamins publications for which John Nerbonne plays a role.

Zhang, Liqin, Ray Fabri, John Nerbonne 2021 Detecting loan words computationallyVariation Rolls the Dice: A worldwide collage in honour of Salikoko S. Mufwene, Aboh, Enoch O. and Cécile B. Vigouroux (eds.), pp. 269–288 | Chapter
A loanword is a word that is borrowed from one language and adopted into another; examples are the English words toboggan, skunk, and hickory, all of which were borrowed from Algonquian languages. Among languages that are not (closely) related, loan words are recognizable because they are… read more
Heeringa, Wilbert, John Nerbonne and Petya Osenova 2010 Detecting contact effects in pronunciationLanguage Contact: New perspectives, Norde, Muriel, Bob de Jonge and Cornelius Hasselblatt (eds.), pp. 131–154 | Article
We investigate language contact effects between Bulgarian dialects on the one hand, and the languages of the countries bordering Bulgaria on the other. The Bulgarian data comes from Stojkov’s Bulgarian Dialect Atlases. We investigate three techniques to detect contact effects in pronunciation, the… read more
Nerbonne, John, Timo Lauttamus, Wybo Wiersma and Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen 2010 Applying language technology to detect shift effectsLanguage Contact: New perspectives, Norde, Muriel, Bob de Jonge and Cornelius Hasselblatt (eds.), pp. 27–44 | Article
We discuss an application of a technique from language technology to tag a corpus automatically and to detect syntactic differences between two varieties of Finnish Australian English, one spoken by the first generation and the other by the second generation. The technique utilizes frequency… read more
Nerbonne, John 2007 Linguistic challenges for computationalistsRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing IV: Selected papers from RANLP 2005, Nicolov, Nicolas, Kalina Bontcheva, Galia Angelova and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
Nerbonne, John and Petra Smit 2001 24. A web-based foreign-language assistantReflections on Language and Language Learning: In honour of Arthur van Essen, Bax, Marcel and Jan-Wouter Zwart (eds.), pp. 341–348 | Chapter