Sanford A. Schane

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sanford A. Schane plays a role.

Schane, Sanford A. 2005 The Aperture Particle ¦a¦: Its Role and FunctionsHeadhood, Elements, Specification and Contrastivity: Phonological papers in honour of John Anderson, Carr, Philip, Jacques Durand and Colin J. Ewen (eds.), pp. 313–338 | Article
Schane, Sanford A. 2004 Diphtongues vocaliques et diphtongues consonantiquesLexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire / Syntax, Lexis & Lexicon-Grammar: Papers in honour of Maurice Gross, Leclère, Christian, Éric Laporte, Mireille Piot and Max Silberztein (eds.), pp. 573–580 | Article
Within the syllable I look at the properties of diphthongs, defined as a glide and adjacent vowel. Both halves of a diphthong may occur within the nucleus of a syllable, or else only the vowel part is in the nucleus whereas the glide component functions as part of the onset or coda. This… read more
Schane, Sanford A. 1989 Diphthongs and monophthongs in early RomanceStudies in Romance Linguistics: Selected Proceedings from the XVII Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, Kirschner, Carl and Janet Ann DeCesaris (eds.), pp. 365–376 | Article
Schane, Sanford A. 1975 7 Noncyclic English Word StressEssays on the Sound Pattern of English, Goyvaerts, Didier L. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (eds.), pp. 249–259 | Article