Today, term variation is commonly accepted to be a widespread phenomenon in specialised communication. Although some degree of arbitrariness is inevitable, the expert’s choice of a term variant is generally motivated to some extent, reflecting the way he or she views a concept. This work presents a… read more
Today, term variation is commonly accepted to be a widespread phenomenon in specialised communication. Although some degree of arbitrariness is inevitable, the expert’s choice of a term variant is generally motivated to some extent. This article presents a methodology for describing the… read more
In this article, we present the current state of our work on a linguistically-motivated model for automatic summarization of medical articles in Spanish. The model takes into account the results of an empirical study which reveals that, on the one hand, domain-specific summarization criteria can… read more
During the past decade, the theory of terminology has been a subject of debate in various circles. This article examines some of the reasons why this topic has been receiving so much interest lately. I will first discuss the theory developed by Wüster and analyse the motivations behind his model.… read more
In this paper we account for the main characteristics and performance of a number of recently developed term extraction systems. The analysed tools represent the main strategies followed by researchers in this area. All systems are analysed and compared against a set of technically relevant… read more
Much effort is devoted to proving that a particular subject field or activity is a discipline and indeed, a scientific discipline. These efforts result from stereotypical prejudices about the significance of science and its social impact. Terminology has suffered from these misconceptions, as can… read more
This article aims to show the link of the concept of diversity with terminology. This fundamental relationship may seem paradoxical since one of the main goals of terminology is that of unification and standardisation of terms. However, it should be borne in mind that terminology has to take… read more