Thomas Roeper

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thomas Roeper plays a role.


Brunetto, Valentina and Thomas Roeper 2018 Chapter 15. The acquisition path of near-reflexivitySemantics in Language Acquisition, Syrett, Kristen and Sudha Arunachalam (eds.), pp. 351–377 | Chapter
Classical statue sentences (‘Ringo hit himself’ meaning ‘Ringo hit his statue’) are a long-standing puzzle for binding theories. We enrich the Partition theory (Schwarzschild, 1996) to allow semantic partitions (based on contextual contrasts) to explain acquisition experiments. The semantic… read more
Roeper, Thomas 2013 There-insertion: How Internal Merge guides the acquisition pathGenerative Linguistics and Acquisition: Studies in honor of Nina M. Hyams, Becker, Misha, John Grinstead and Jason Rothman (eds.), pp. 251–270 | Article
Merge Theory divides into Internal Merge (IM) (move) and External Merge (select). What does this imply for the acquisition path? Spontaneous early acquisition evidence supports Chomsky’s (2012) claim that Internal Merge (move) is conceptually simpler than External Merge and therefore should occur… read more
Roeper, Thomas 2011 Strict Interfaces and three kinds of Multiple GrammarThe Development of Grammar: Language acquisition and diachronic change, Rinke, Esther and Tanja Kupisch (eds.), pp. 205–228 | Article
Modern linguistic theory introduces the question of how interfaces are to be mechanically represented. It is argued that there are strict innate interfaces where semantics, pragmatics, and syntax must coincide. The Strong Minimalist Thesis (Chomsky 2005) is a prime example. We argue that so-called… read more
Roeper, Thomas and Timothy Roeper 2010 Game Theory and the control of empty categories in grammarStructure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 299–312 | Article
Roeper, Thomas and Lisa Green 2007 Node labels and features: Stable and unstable dialects and variation in acquisitionLinguistic Variation Yearbook 2007, van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen (ed.), pp. 1–26 | Article
We argue that the smallest shifts in grammar should give us the most precise insight into grammatical mechanisms. The often tiny differences captured by dialects become a natural focus for linguistic theory, precisely because of their variability and instability in the history of language and in… read more
Gavarró, Anna, Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux and Thomas Roeper 2006 Definite and bare noun contrasts in child CatalanThe Acquisition of Syntax in Romance Languages, Torrens, Vincent and Linda Escobar (eds.), pp. 51–68 | Article
Thirty-three children aged 3–5 were tested for comprehension of definite and bare noun (BN) contrasts in Catalan, a language with bare nouns in direct object but not in subject position. Catalan objects have the same semantics as English subjects: BNs map to generic and definites into specific… read more
Potts, Christopher and Thomas Roeper 2006 7. The narrowing acquisition path: From expressive small clauses to declarativesThe Syntax of Nonsententials: Multidisciplinary perspectives, Progovac, Ljiljana, Kate Paesani, Eugenia Casielles-Suárez and Ellen Barton (eds.), pp. 183–201 | Chapter
Roeper, Thomas and William Snyder 2005 Language learnability and the forms of recursionUG and External Systems: Language, brain and computation, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.), pp. 155–169 | Article
Roeper, Thomas 2000 Inherent Binding and the Syntax/Lexicon Interface: Distinguishing DP, NP, and NLexical Specification and Insertion, Coopmans, Peter, Martin B.H. Everaert and Jane Grimshaw (eds.), pp. 305–328 | Article