Ian Mason

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ian Mason plays a role.

Mason, Ian and Wen Ren 2014 Power in face-to-face interpreting eventsThe Sociological Turn in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Angelelli, Claudia V. (ed.), pp. 115–133 | Article
The traditional view holds that professional interpreters should be transparent, invisible, passive, neutral, and detached, a view reiterated and reinforced in the prescribed interpreters’ codes of conduct of national and international professional organizations. Such an idealized role construct,… read more
Mason, Ian 2012 7. Gaze, positioning and identity in interpreter-mediated dialoguesCoordinating Participation in Dialogue Interpreting, Baraldi, Claudio and Laura Gavioli (eds.), pp. 177–200 | Article
Although very little has been published specifically on the study of gaze in interpreter-mediated dialogues, there has been some evidence that gaze direction is an important device for showing attention and for the distribution of turns. In this chapter, analysis of gaze shifts based on video… read more
Mason, Ian and Wen Ren 2012 Power in face-to-face interpreting eventsThe Sociological Turn in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Angelelli, Claudia V. (ed.), pp. 234–253 | Article
The traditional view holds that professional interpreters should be transparent, invisible, passive, neutral, and detached, a view reiterated and reinforced in the prescribed interpreters’ codes of conduct of national and international professional organizations. Such an idealized role construct,… read more
Mason, Ian and Adriana Şerban 2003 Deixis as an interactive feature in literary translations from Romanian into EnglishTarget 15:2, pp. 269–294 | Article
This study aims to investigate the use of deixis in a corpus of translations from twentieth century Romanian literature (novels and short stories) into English. Viewing deixis as an interactive feature of texts, it endeavours to find whether there are significant differences between the use of… read more
Mason, Ian 1994 Discourse, ideology, and translationLanguage, Discourse and Translation in the West and Middle East, Beaugrande, Robert de, Abdullah Shunnaq and Mohamed Helmy Heliel (eds.), pp. 23–34 | Article