Cristina Altman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cristina Altman plays a role.

Book series


The time and place under analysis, 19th century Brazil, constitutes a privileged moment for the historiographer of linguistics attentive to the methodological requirements of his/her craft. It is an important point in time of reaffirmation of a Brazilian identity and of the increase of interest in… read more
Altman, Cristina 2002 Meeting Vivien Law, Oxford, September 1996Historiographia Linguistica 29:1/2, pp. 17–18 | Miscellaneous
When mention is made of Brazil in connection with American linguistics, it usually amounts to a reference to the Linguistic Circle of New York, where Roman Jakobson (1896–1982) and Claude Lévi-Strauss (b.1908), who had come from Brazil where he had done ethnological work, met and exchanged ideas.… read more
Altman, Cristina 1996 Historiographia linguistica Folha de EstiloHistoriographia Linguistica 23:3, pp. 451–454 | Miscellaneous