Enrique Bernárdez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Enrique Bernárdez plays a role.
ISSN 1572-0268 | E-ISSN 1572-0276
From butchers and surgeons to the linguistic method: On language and cognition as supraindividual phenomena Exploring Discourse Strategies in Social and Cognitive Interaction: Multimodal and cross-linguistic perspectives, Romano, Manuela and M. Dolores Porto (eds.), pp. 21–38 | Article
2016 The study of metaphors and blends deals frequently with isolated, acontextualised examples from the English language. Through them certain cognitive processes are said to be identified and such processes are allegedly of universal value and characteristic of the human mind at large. This chapter… read more
On the cultural character of metaphor: Some reflections on Universality and Culture-specificity in the language and cognition of time, especially in Amerindian languages Review of Cognitive Linguistics 11:1, pp. 1–35 | Article
2013 The paper is devoted to an analysis of the relation between language and culture in the context of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). Section 2 deals in an explicitly critical way with some problems in the concept of “culture” as used in “mainstream” schools of CL. Section 3 offers a brief review… read more
The unconscious, irresponsible construction in Modern Icelandic Functional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Angela Downing, Butler, Christopher S., Raquel Hidalgo Downing and Julia Lavid-López (eds.), pp. 149–164 | Article
2007 The Icelandic language possesses a number of constructions whose function it is to express the degree of agentivity or lack of agentivity of a process. This paper analyses a specific construction built with the auxiliary verb verða ‘to become’ plus an experiencer or affected entity in the dative… read more
Pragmatic Constraints to Word Order, and Word-Order Change in English Historical Pragmatics: Pragmatic developments in the history of English, Jucker, Andreas H. (ed.), pp. 217–242 | Article
1995 Can Catastrophe Theory Provide Adequate Explanations for Linguistic Change? An application to syntactic change in English English Historical Linguistics 1992: Papers from the 7th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Valencia, 22–26 September 1992, Fernández, Francisco, Miguel Fuster Márquez and Juan Jose Calvo (eds.), pp. 17–28 | Article